Diet Coaching on 2nd ICCBC 2016
It is a great honor for me to participating as a presenter at the 2nd International Congress on Cognitive Behavioral Coaching in Athens, Greece this June 16-19th, at the Divani Caravel Hotel.
I will presenting on Saturday morning, 18th of
June, at the Open Paper Symposium, my conceptual paper “Diet Coaching: The
emerging components of the Dietitian’s skill set”.
Below is the abstract of my speech and I hope to see you
Diet Coaching: The emerging components of the Dietitian’s
skill set
Vassia Manika, Clinical Dietitian- Nutritionist, Diet Coach
Harokopio University (Athens, Greece)
Vassia Manika, Clinical Dietitian- Nutritionist, Diet Coach
Harokopio University (Athens, Greece)
Life & Wellness Coach
mBIT Coach- NLP Practitioner
Dynamic Equilibrium System™, INLPTA
Conceptual paper
The current perception is that initial successful weight loss
is often followed by weight regain after 5 y of the dietary intervention(1).
Evidence from systematic reviews suggests that long term weight loss through
changes in eating and physical activity is possible(2), but although
formal behavior change interventions and self-guided efforts at individual behavior
change are successful in inducing weight loss, few people manage to maintain
these changes in weight over the long term(3). Clinical dietitians
and nutritionists face multiple barriers to effectively delivering lifestyle
interventions in today’s health care setting. They are not trained to keep
people accountable for their new, healthy choices, their new physical image and
how to change their eating habits. They are not trained to recognize eating
patterns and generate new, healthier behaviors but, nonetheless, remain
powerful motivators in helping patients initiate and maintain weight loss
efforts that reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases. A
coaching intervention focused on patients’ values and sense of purpose may
provide added benefit to traditional wellness, diabetes and weight loss education
programs(4). Fundamentals of health coaching may be applied by nutritionists
to improve patient self-efficacy, accountability, and clinical outcomes.
Keywords: weight loss, coaching,
diet coaching, health coaching
(1) Wing
RR1, Phelan
S. Long-term weight loss maintenance. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005
Jul;82(1 Suppl):222S-225S.
(2) Avenell
A, Broom J, Brown TJ, Poobalan A, Aucott L, Stearns SC, et al. Systematic
review of the long-term effects and economic consequences of treatments for
obesity and implications for health improvement. Health Technol
(3) Wing RR, Phelan S. Long-term weight loss
maintenance. Am J Clin Nutr2005;82:222-5S.
(4) Wolever
RQ1, Dreusicke
M, Fikkan
J, Hawkins
TV, Yeung
S, Wakefield
J, Duda
L, Flowers
P, Cook
C, Skinner
E. Integrative health coaching for patients with type 2 diabetes: a
randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Educ. 2010
Jul-Aug;36(4):629-39. doi: 10.1177/0145721710371523. Epub 2010 Jun 9.